How can 4H help?
The purpose of this organization shall be to encourage and promote the use of better agricultural and home economics practices among the youth of Clark County in the State of Indiana by devising ways and means of assisting, planning, financing, and conducting of 4-H club agricultural and home economics enrollment and exhibits, and providing premiums there-for and educational trip awards and expenses thereof, and the doing of any other thing or things conductive to the progress of the youth of Clark County in agricultural, horticultural, and home economics pursuits, development, and attainments.”
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Indiana's 4-H Youth Development program provides youth the opportunity to participate in a variety of educational opportunities intended to develop life skills.
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Clark County Fairground Board Members

Kathy Jones
Vice Chairman of the Board

Judy Kopp

Alexa Seiferid

Jennifer Swanson

Casey Hopwood

Nina Earlywine

Sharon Beal

Kevin Glass

Sharon Neal

Mark Meyer